Nutri Grow
- Normalna cena
€85.00 * - Normalna cena
€85.00* - Cena sprzedaży
€85.00 *
*w tym VAT Wysyłka obliczana przy kasie
Ships in 5-10 Business Days**
Nie udało się załadować dostępności odbioru
Cavalor Nutri Grow contains all the vitamins and minerals foals, young horses and pregnant or lactating mares will require for optimal development.
When broodmares and horses spend a lot of time on rich pastures in the growth phase, they are already getting enough energy and protein from this ration. However, there are insufficient vitamins and minerals in this diet. Cavalor Nutri Grow was formulated to supplement precisely these shortages in young horses and mares from the 7th month of gestation in a balanced mix. Yucca extract stimulates the absorption of vitamins and minerals. Macronutrients (Ca, P and Mg) and trace elements (Cu, Zn, Mn) are offered in a highly absorbable form and in the right proportions to support the development of a strong and healthy locomotor system. By compressing the vitamins and minerals separately from the trace elements into two different granules, stability is guaranteed, and nutritional value is retained
Even though the foal’s greatest growth spurt will take place during the last 3 months of pregnancy, the mare’s need for certain nutrients already increases much earlier. It is advisable to feed a diet that is higher in elements such as calcium, phosphorus, copper and iodine from the seventh month of pregnancy. For example, a lack of copper can lead to bone and joint problems. Feeding sufficient vitamins and minerals is crucial for bone development, energy transport and the support of cell functions. From its first year of life, the young horse will need more copper, zinc and manganese, for example.
For a supplement tailored to your ration
Young horses and broodmares often walk in the pasture, which is excellent for their development and well-being. These pastures are often rich in energy and protein, but contain few vitamins and minerals. Cavalor Nutri Grow was formulated in such a way that it covers the vitamin and mineral requirements of young horses and pregnant or lactating mares without adding extra energy and protein. Ideal for balancing the ration.
For the development of strong, hard bones and healthy joints
The skeleton of an unborn foal must be able to develop optimally. Later, good bone density is also crucial for developing strong legwork. Nutri Grow supports a controlled and uniform conversion of the cartilage in the skeleton into strong, hard bones. Nutri Grow contains an optimal ratio between calcium, phosphorus and magnesium for good bone growth and density, supplemented with organically easily absorbable trace elements - copper, zinc and manganese - ensure proper development of the locomotor system, i.e. bones, cartilage, joints and tendons. In addition, the essential amino acids methionine, lysine, cystine, threonine and tryptophan provide the critical building blocks for proper development.
Absorption, availability and stability as distinguishing factors
Nutri Grow contains mäerl from the sea, which, as a source of algae, provides a natural and highly absorbable form of calcium and magnesium. This pure, natural product not only supports the development of strong bones, but it also has a very beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal system. The yucca extract also stimulates the absorption of minerals and trace elements.
Covalently bonded hydroxy minerals (Cu, Zn) and chelated (Mn) trace elements were chosen because they are better absorbed and remain more stable. The vitamins are separated from the trace elements in the product to optimise the stability of Cavalor Nutri Grow even further. This keeps them from reacting with each other. The green pellets contain vitamins and minerals, while the beige pellets contain trace elements. The mix of pellets is perfectly homogeneous, ensuring that the horse receives the proper amount.
• Foals and ponies: 100 g/day
• Young horses: 150 g/day
• Pregnant (final 5 months) or lactating mares: 200 g/day
1 measuring scoop = 100 g; maximum per horse: 400 g/day
TIP: if the horse is receiving more than 1.5 kg of concentrated feed per day, halve the dosage. TIP: Cavalor Nutri Grow is a highly concentrated source of vitamins and minerals, so that only a small daily dose is needed. If horses do not absorb this properly, it is advisable to mix it with a little concentrated feed.
Close bucket properly after use. Keep out of reach of children and store in a cool, dry place. Suitable for use within 1.5 years of the date of manufacture.
- 5 kg / 11 lbs
- 20 kg / 44 lbs
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Nutri Grow
- Normalna cena
€85.00 * - Normalna cena
€85.00* - Cena sprzedaży
€85.00 *