Half Pad Impact Equalizer

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Color — Black


Kentucky Half Pad Impact Equalizer - this revolutionary half pad is designed with the horse's comfort and rider's performance in mind. This innovative accessory is expertly crafted to absorb all shocks and evenly balance them out, enabling horses to move with unprecedented freedom. Its ergonomic design benefits both horses and riders, ensuring a harmonious ride every time and in every discipline.

Constructed from high-quality memory foam coupled with a 3D spacer, this half pad excels in breathability and air permeability, promising a cool and comfortable experience even during intense trainings. The thoughtful design includes a special cut for the withers, made from premium artificial leather, which significantly reduces pressure on the horse's spine, enhancing comfort and well-being.

Main Features:

  • Pressure Absorption and Balance
  • Ergonomic Design
  • Close Contact
  • Lightweight
  • High Breathability and Air Permeability
  • Premium Memory Foam and 3D Spacer Construction
  • Artificial Leather Wither Cut
  • Machine washable at 30°, please remove the memory foam from the inside

Available in Black and Atracite

Thickness: 10 mm and 18 mm

What it does
This half pad impact equalizer absorbs all shocks and evenly balances them out. This does not only relieve the horse’s back, but also the back of the rider. Due to this, the pad is excellent for every discipline. The pad is also suitable for normal training as it is continuously equalizing the pressure on the horse’s back. It will be simpler to relax and tighten the muscles of the horse. This will benefit while riding because the horse can move more freely. In the long term, this contributes to a flexible and mobile horse. Any shocks generated by the rider will be absorbed too, this will stabilize the saddle and has ergonomic benefits for both the rider and the horse.

How it works
The saddle pad is made of memory foam and 3D spacer. The combination of these materials create a shock-absorbing pad. While the memory foam divides the pressure equally and constantly adapts to the shape of the horse. The 3D spacer ensures the back to ventilate due to its air-permeable features. By using these materials, this half pad is 20 to 30% lighter than most other pads available on the market. Not only is the pad lighter than others, but it will also make you feel closer to the horse and improve communication between you and your horse.

What’s inside
Kentucky Horsewear used a memory foam that is known for its use in the army and as protective gear. We developed a half pad that protects your horse the same way. The 3D spacer is a 3D honeycomb structure with a cushioning effect, which has shock-absorbing performances. The material is highly breathable and ensures that the horse’s back won’t heat up. This will diminish any irritations at the back of the horse.

The cut for the withers is made of artificial leather and offers comfort as the horse’s spine has less pressure. The pad is provided with a silicone grip pattern, this will avoid the pad from slipping under the saddle.

Care guide for the half pad impact equalizer
The half pad impact equalizer is washable at 30 degrees. Remove the memory foam on the inside of the half pad before washing. Do not tumble dry afterward.

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Size chart
Kentucky half pad memory foam half pad shock absorption horse pad impact equaliser half pad kentucky memory foam half pad antracite horse half pad

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