Sweet Iron 2.5 Eggbutt Elliptical Bit

Trust Equestrian
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Trust Sweet Iron 2.5 Eggbutt Elliptical Bit -  The elliptical mouthpiece has two hinges, is shaped more towards the mouth and lies looser in the mouth. The bit exerts pressure on the tongue, the bars and the lips of the mouth. Be careful with narrow lower jaws, the hinge points can press on the bars which can cause wounds. Compared to a single jointed bit, this bit exerts more pressure on the tongue.

Sweet Iron Bits:

The sweet iron bits are made of steel and have a recognizable blue color. Due to contact with (air)moisture, Sweet Iron creates a rustfilm on the surface which has a sweet taste. As a result, the bit naturally encourages saliva production, which leads to more chewing activity and more foam will be built up and thus an overall better acceptance of the bit.

The rust process (oxidation) changes the blue colour to a brown-greyish colour, which is the desired effect. After a time of not using the bit, the colour can change to an orange-brown which indicates normal rust that can be easily removed with a wet cloth. 

Sweet Iron bits are great and suitable for every horse. Sweet Iron helps to increase the chewing activity, to produce more saliva and to accept the bit more easily. Next to that, Sweet Iron bits have the most options of different types of mouthpieces, as well as types of bits. Therefore, every horse-rider combination can find their suiting bit with the Sweet Iron technology.

Mode of Action:

Eggbut, D-Ring- & Full Cheek act like snaffles, they only act on rein tension - over the tongue on the lower jaw. The rein aids are transmitted more directly than with snaffle bits. The movements of restless or inexperienced rider hands are not cushioned, but passed on directly.

Since the mouthpiece is firmly attached to the ring, it lies particularly quietly in the horse's mouth. The soft transitions to the side parts make these bits particularly gentle on the muzzle. In addition, there is an additional lateral support due to the contact surface of the side parts, which, for example, makes it easier to ride turns and the limitation on the outer rein (safe rein aid). The following applies: the larger the contact area between the side part and the lip, the greater the lateral impact.

These bits are particularly suitable for horses with sensitive corners of the mouth, for horses that tend to break out over the shoulder (e.g. when turning away or when approaching jumps) or for horses that have a very restless mouth and the mouthpiece of a ring bit "playing" too much.

When tension is applied to the reins, for Multiring-, 3 Ring-, Gag- & Baucherbits the pressure is distributed to the tongue to the lower jaw first and then to the neck. This gives the rider more control again with horses that are growing strong and withdrawing upwards, because horses usually react by lowering their head when the pressure is applied to the neck.

The effect is even more pronounced with gag bits and 3-ring bits, as the leverage is greater due to the length of the side part and the extended gag cheek pieces through the bit ring. The best effect is achieved when using two pairs of reins. The main rein in the large ring acts on the tongue and lower jaw, the second pair of reins, buckled in the lower ring, can, if necessary, exert pressure on the poll via the cheek piece. A prerequisite for this is of course a practiced and soulful rider's hand.

Available in 11.5cm - 14.5cm

Thickness: 16 mm

SKU: E26918

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Size chart
2.5 Ring Eggbutt Elliptical Trust Bit

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