De zachte aanraking: Leren bitten voor paarden maart 13, 2024Emily Hyams In de wereld van de paardensport is de bitkeuze cruciaal voor de communicatie tussen paard en ruiter. Onder de steeds groter wordende keuze aan bitten vallen leren bitten op door...
Bit Series Part 2: What material suits my horse? maart 23, 2021EquiZone Online Not only because of the different cheek pieces, it is difficult to find the right bit. Also a whole lot of different materials are used nowadays. This makes it especially...
Bit Series Part 1: Eggbut or Snaffle? maart 15, 2021EquiZone Online Many riders know about the importance of a fitting bit that matches the needs of horse and rider, how ever many riders are also confused and overwhelmed by the amount...
Why your horse should be using a Trust bit maart 30, 2020EquiZone Online If you're not yet familiar with Trust bits let us introduce you to the wonderful range. Made 100% in the Netherlands by hand, the Trust bit range is so extensive...